30 September 2023 Dine Around
New York, NY
The time has come to raise a beer stein and say “prost” to Oktoberfest in NYC!
Pull on your lederhosen and celebrate Oktoberfest NYC 2023 with great brews, bratwurst, good company, dancing, and live music.
The Bavarian celebration’s events are among the best in town in September and October, featuring waves of beer and oodles of delicious food.
Bierhaus NYC is brought to you through the love of Oktoberfest & Hofbräu bier.
6.3% Alc. By Volume
In honor of Oktoberfest, Hofbräu brews a rich, full-bodied golden beer with a clean, crisp edge, that pairs perfectly with traditional Bavarian cuisine. Brewed with pure water, the best quality malt and exquisite hops. A vital part of the Oktoberfest experience!
A Bavarian-style beer hall located just two blocks from Grand Central, serving authentic German cuisine and bier by the boot since 2011! Live music and steins of crisp Hofbräu bier will transport you to the tents of Oktoberfest in Munich, if only for a few hours.
Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm
Bierhaus NYC | 712 Third Avenue ( at 45th Street) | New York, NY
$50pp | RSVP to Elizabeth C. at: elizabethnypata@gmail.com