Dear fellow members,
Do you remember the iconic World War II poster “I WANT YOU!” with Uncle Sam pointing his finger at you?
It was effective then, and we hope it will be effective now.
We need a new NY PATA Chapter Executive Board for 2024-2025. If you are interested in serving on the 2024-2025 PATA New York Chapter Executive Board, we invite you to submit your name in nomination. As the new year is fast approaching, please self-nominate yourself, and send it in no later than November 15th to The Election Committee at
The NY PATA year runs January 1st, 2024 to December 31st, 2024.
A position on the Executive Board is for a two-year term, and involves a commitment to attend regular board meetings (four to six per year) as well as make an active contribution to Chapter projects including taking part in the staging of at least one event.
Self-nomination only. Qualifications for Nomination:
* Nominee must read and uphold the Membership Benefits.
* Nominee has been an active New York PATA member for at least one current year.
* Nominee must be available for most Chapter meetings and events during the two-year term.
* Nominee must have the motivation and ability to enhance the success and growth of the Chapter.
If you feel you can make a positive impact on our Chapter, please submit your name.
Delinquent renewals cannot nominate or be nominated, so if you have not paid your dues yet, please do so now.
Self-nomination must include full name, title, company affiliation, telephone, and email address, along with a brief paragraph (no more than 125 words) with background, qualifications, and details on how you propose to contribute to our Chapter.
Seats open for self-nomination in the four-categories are:
Available Category
3 seats Tour Operator
3 seats Travel Advisor
1 seat Transportation; Airline | Cruise Line | Consolidator
1 seat Allied Member; Hospitality | Media | Marketing | PR
Members with any election-related questions are requested to email
We encourage you to become involved in our Chapter, and look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks!
Elizabeth Chin
Executive Director
Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
PATA New York Chapter
PATA New York Chapter, founded in 1962, is a not-for-profit membership-based association that is dedicated to facilitate meaningful partnerships to enhance the value, quality and sustainable growth of travel and tourism to and from countries in APAC, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) founded in 1951 is the recognized authority on Asia Pacific travel and tourism. The Association provides aligned advocacy, insightful research, and innovative events to its member organizations, which including government, state and city tourism bodies; international airlines and airports; hospitality organizations, and educational institutions, as well as thousands of young tourism professional (YTP) members across the world.